
Dental Sealants

Highly effective in preventing decay on the biting surfaces of your chewing teeth, dental sealants are a simple procedure in which a tooth-colored acrylic "coating" is painted onto the surface of the tooth. This effectively "seals" the deep grooves, acting as a barrier and protecting enamel from plaque and acids.

Dental Sealants protect the depressions and grooves of your teeth from food particles and plaque that brushing and flossing can't reach.

Easy to apply, sealants take only a few minutes to seal each tooth. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and can last several years before a reapplication is needed.

Children and adults can benefit from sealants in the fight against tooth decay.

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Our Dental Offices

Contact us at your most convenient location. Our caring and dedicated dental team is here for you!

Laguna Hills, CA

25272 McIntyre Street, Suite D
Laguna Hills, CA 92653

Text: (949) 516-8214

Fax: (949) 460-0042

Newport Beach, CA

5010 Campus Dr, Suite 110
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Text: (949) 516-8214

Fax: (949) 418-7154


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You deserve quality dentistry from a friendly team, our dental office is equipped to serve you with convenience, personal service and excellent treatment. You can request an appointment below, or give us a call to get started with our helpful office staff. We look forward to seeing you!.